I spent the two days working on a special Spanish Juniper.

The result after the demo.

Steve Tolley(GB) worked on a little imported Juniper.
It was very nice meeting him.


Serge Clemence (swiss) worked on a yamadori Pinus sylvestris from France.
I had great conversations with him.

The tree finished , I had the oppotunity to give a translation for Serge.

Hans van Meer(NL) worked on two trees during the weekend.
They came out very nicely.
I had many laughs with him!
He worked on a Scots Pine and a Yew

Tony gave a virtual demonstration and explaining the future of the Hawthorn.
Allso had a great laugh with him.

Simon T and his student with working on a Tanuki.

Chris T working on his creation.

Sorry for the ones i forgot i don't have pictures of their demo's.
The demonstrators.

Dan Barton, who did'nt demo but along with the rest of the ABBA team , worked very hard to put the show together, so many thanks ti him and a big applaus.
A very friendly and hospital man!

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